Argentina Rentista Visa | An Incomplete Guide

last updated: 2024-07-23


Home > South America > Argentina > Argentina Rentista Visa | An Incomplete Guide

Argentina Rentista Visa | An Incomplete Guide


What is Passive Income Visa?


Passive Income Visa refers to a visa system where applicants can obtain long-term residency in a destination country based on a certain amount of income/savings without the need to invest or work.


Generally speaking, passive income visa programs in various countries have the following characteristics:


1. Strict limitations on the source of income: The applicant’s income needs to be completely passive, such as interest from savings, financial trusts, pensions, or at least non-wage income like investment returns, dividends, and distributions.


2. Visa holders cannot utilize local resources: In theory, you can only consume in the destination country and cannot seek employment locally. You also need to purchase your own health insurance and cannot use free welfare resources such as medical services.


3. Potential for eventual immigration: Almost all countries with passive income visa programs allow participants to apply for permanent residency or citizenship after legally residing there for a certain period.


If you are interested in a passive income visa, you can read another guide on the website: “Global Passive Income Visas | An Incomplete Guide”.


Argentina Rentista Visa:


The Argentine Rentista Visa (Financier Visa) is an income visa issued to financially independent individuals who have sufficient income from outside Argentina to live locally without working.


The requirements for this visa are as follows:


1. Good health and no criminal record;


2. Provide proof of a stable overseas income that is five times the minimum wage in Argentina, which is a monthly income of at least $970. In practice, it is best if you can prove a monthly income of over $2,000.


Additionally, you need to prove that your income can be freely transferred into Argentina;


3. Provide proof of at least $24,000 in bank savings;


4. Holders of this Rentista Visa cannot work locally, but you can be self-employed (start a business or engage in freelance work).


Application Process:


To apply for the Argentine Rentista Visa, you need to gather all the required materials and submit your application online through the RADEX platform of the Argentine Ministry of the Interior.


Some materials, such as a local bank account and address, require you to first apply for a valid visa and enter Argentina to handle these tasks.


Overall, the application process for this program can be roughly divided into the following steps:


1. Entering Argentina: First, you need to apply for a tourist visa or another valid visa to enter Argentina and complete tasks such as establishing a local address and opening a bank account.


2. Submitting the Application Locally: You need to log in to the RADEX system of the Argentine Ministry of the Interior, register, and submit your application, and pay the visa fee (initial application: $3,000; renewal: $2,000 per person).


Required documents include:


  • Applicant’s Identity Documents: Including all valid passports of the main and secondary applicants; passport-sized photos; and relationship proof documents such as birth certificates and marriage certificates.


  • Income Proof: You need to provide proof of income, including bank statements.


  • Criminal Record Proof: All adult main and secondary applicants need to provide detailed criminal record proof, showing no criminal activities in any region where they have lived for more than a year in the past three years.


  • Health Insurance Proof: You need to purchase a valid health insurance policy in Argentina for each main and secondary applicant every year.


  • Local Argentine Information: The main applicant needs to provide proof of actual residence in Argentina, such as name, address, and utility bills.


All documents from outside Argentina must be notarized, and all non-Spanish documents must be translated into Spanish.


If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email, which will serve as your short-term residence visa, but you will still need to have an interview with an Argentine visa officer.


3. Interview: The RADEX system will provide you with an interview date. You need to prepare all required documents and go to the Argentine Immigration Office for the interview and fingerprinting.


Once you pass the interview, you will receive an Argentine ID (DNI: National Identity Document), allowing you to live freely in the country.


The entire visa processing period generally takes about 2 to 3 months.




For the Argentine Rentista Visa, the main applicant’s spouse and financially dependent children under 25 can obtain the visa as secondary applicants.


Visa Validity Period:


The Argentine Rentista Visa is valid for one year and can be renewed for up to three years. However, for each renewal, you need to reprove your income status to the relevant authorities.


After legally residing in Argentina for two years, holders of the Rentista Visa can apply for naturalization. Alternatively, you can apply for permanent residency after residing in the country for three years.


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