A Comprehensive Guide to Long-term Residency in Jordan
Country Profile:
The Kingdom of Jordan, situated in Western Asia, is a nation in the Middle East that holds a strategic position at the juncture where Europe, Asia, and Africa meet. The sovereign state is a constitutional monarchy, but the king holds wide executive and legislative powers.

Capital: Amman
Population: 11,484,805 (84th)
Ethic Group: 95% Arab, 3% Circassian, Chechen, 2% Armenian and others
Area: 89,342 km2 (110th)
Offical Language: Arabic
Currency: Jordanian dinar
GDP per Captial: $12,809 (112th)
How To Immigrate To Jordan:
Aside from Turkey, Jordan stands out as the most sought-after country in the Middle East for citizenship by investment program.The government launched a series of immigration policies around February 20, 2018, that allowed for obtaining passports or permanent residency through investment. At that time, the minimum investment requirement was 1.5 million US dollars. On October 2, 2019, the Jordanian government modified the immigration program, lowering the investment requirement and expanding the range of investment options,and this modified program remains operational to this day.
Citizenship By Investement:
As per legislation enacted in 2019:
Foreign nationals who acquire real estate in Jordan valued at over 200,000 US dollars are eligible to apply for Jordanian permanent residency, which is renewable every 5 years.
Additionally, foreign investors have the opportunity to gain eligibility for Jordanian citizenship by making a direct investment of more than 1 million US dollars in the country through several avenues:
1. Place a zero-interest deposit of 1 million US dollars in Central Bank of Jordan(CBJ) and hold them for at least 3 years
2. Invest 1 million US dollars in bonds on the Central Bank of Jordan’s recommended bond list and hold them for at least 6 years;
3. Invest 1.5 million US dollars in local corporate shares and hold them for at least 3 years;
4. Invest 1 million US dollars in the province of Amman and create at least 20 jobs; or invest 750,000 US dollars in any government projects outside the province of Amman and create at least 10 job positions.
The investment-based immigration program in Jordan has been gaining traction within the Arab world in recent years. The Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) reports that since October 2, 2019, around 206 Arab investors have been granted Jordanian citizenship, while 30 more applications are currently undergoing the review process.
In a declaration made in late December 2020, JIC revealed that foreign investors had contributed a minimum of 122.1 million US dollars in overseas funds to Jordan, which led to the creation of 7,326 local jobs, thereby playing a crucial role in bolstering the nation’s economic development.
Fredon Hartoqa, the Executive Chairman of JIC, provided further insight into the investment trends. He shared that 200 investors made the choice to channel their funds into pre-existing economic ventures, 5 investors attained passports through making deposits in local banks and procuring bonds, and 1 investor engaged in the purchase of local shares.
The primary foreign investors obtaining Jordanian passports are from Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Finland, Canada, Lebanon, Yemen, the United States, Pakistan, India, and Saint Kitts.
Passport Power:
Jordanian recognizes dual citizenship, its passport ranked 94th globally. Citizens can travel freely (visa-free or obtain a visa on arrival) to 53 countries and regions globally, including parts of the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Useful Links:
Jordan Ministry of Investment: https://www.jic.gov.jo/en/home-new/